
First WIP of new show on sale now

First WIP of new show on sale now

The first work in progress (WIP) of my brand new show, David Ian: Am I Mean? is now available to book as part of Leicester Comedy Festival. The first WIP takes place on 13th February at 7.30pm. Tickets are availale here.  Let's Start a Conversation

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Fringe Success!

Fringe Success!

This year we took three shows up to Edinburgh Fringe with The Queer Comedy Club, we had numerous sold out shows and really great reviews. The most exciting part of Fringe was working on our brand new format, Married at Fringe Sight. A whole hour of crowd work where we...

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TV recording tickets available!

TV recording tickets available!

Tickets are available more to watching the TV taping of (Just a) Perfect Gay - the final ever performance of my solo show. Tickets are free and I'd love you to be there. You can grab them here. The show will be released globally later in 2024 but this is your last...

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(Just a) Perfect Gay will be on TV!

(Just a) Perfect Gay will be on TV!

After a successful run at The Edinburgh Fringe Festival I'm super excited to announce that my solo show, David Ian: (Just a) Perfect Gay will be released on OUTtv and FROOT TV in 2024! The show was named one of the Top 10 LGBTQ+ to see at this years Fringe by both...

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Live at The Queer Comedy Club Launches

Live at The Queer Comedy Club Launches

It's a very exciting day for me - my brand new TV show, Live at The Queer Comedy Club, launches today on FROOT TV in the UK and OUTtv in the rest of the world!  The first episode premieres on December 1st and then a new episode will drop every Friday for 6 weeks! I...

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New Trailer Drops!

New Trailer Drops!

The trailer for my new TV series has dropped today and you can watch it here now! Don't forget you can catch the TV series on 1st December on FROOT TV in the UK and OUTtv everywhere else!  Let's Start a Conversation

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We’re in The Guardian!

We’re in The Guardian!

Well it's an incredibly exciting day because The Guardian has named Live at The Queer Comedy Club as one of the Top 7 shows to stream this week! It also called The Queer Comedy Club an institution in the capital's LGBT scene! You can check out the article here!...

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Get in contact

For acting enquiries please contact my agent:
Liz at Nelson Management:

For comedy enquiries fill in the form below:

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